Austrian model railway history is still little documented. There are almost no books or writings about.
"Ewige Kinder" by Kurt Parzer - Belmonte describes toys in Austria, including also model railways..
"Toy and Model Trams of the world" (2 volumes) by Gottfried Kure and David voice offers a complete overview especially for model tram production in the English language.
"Kleinbahn Sammlerhefte" shows all articles produced by Kleinbahn, Austria;
"Österreichs Modellbahngeschichte" (vol. 0) names more than 120 Austrian producers, these books will be continued.
Sometimes you can find information about Austrian model railway history in Railway Magazines.
In the chapter
(producer) this page lists 138 Austrian manufacturers. For some
of them there does not
exist any documentation.
I am constantly on the lookout for
catalogues, price lists, news-sheets, photos, models, other documents
of Austrian manufacturers (original or copy).
If you have any , so I would ask to tell me under reittinger[at] or phone me (in the evening) at +43 664 27 36 710
- 1920
~1920 - 1945
Model railroad boom in the 1950s
Technical development
Model railroad history international